Prayer For Comfort And Peace

Dearest Lord, right now, I am not feeling my best. My body has fallen ill. The illness has confined me to bed, and I feel quite down in the dumps. My condition is not just affecting me physically, but emotionally and mentally as well. Lord, I really don't like it when I just can't do anything. It makes me feel very weak.

But as the apostle Paul said, Lord, Your grace is sufficient for me, and Your power is made perfect in my weakness. Through the weakness that my body is experiencing, show Your power to me, Lord. Show me what You're capable of in Your own special way. Enable me to trust in Your power to bring my body back to the pink of health. Let not worry and fear to fill my mind; instead, let Your grace and peace surround me. Help me to find rest in You as I recover from this sickness.

Lord, I also pray that I may not be overpowered by this illness. Instead, let this be an opportunity for me to depend on You for healing. Let your hand be upon me, Lord, that whatever infected my body would go away. Would you also bless the doctors who would facilitate my recovery, as well as the medicine they prescribe. Empower them to work towards the goal of bringing me back to health.

Also, I know, God, that Your healing may not come as immediately as I may want. As this illness runs its course, always remind me, Lord, that You are always here with me. Be my comfort in this time of weakness. Restore my strength soon, Lord, that I may continue to serve You the best way I can. In Your Name, I ask all these things, Amen.

Dear Lord, God, Above all Gods, You are our Father, and I know that you watch over your creation. This is your world. Earth is your footstool. We on earth are people you created. Lord, when we feel depressed and confused over all that is happening around us, help us to remember that You are there . You comfort us and fill us with your peace. Let us know that you are there in the storms , and the storms of our lives. Calm our fear, and give us peace. When we are hurting, and sick, and we don't know what to do, please be with us, and give us patience to endure the pain that we are dealing with. Let us remember that Jesus suffered on the cross for us, and our suffering is only a portion of what He suffered. Let us remember to think of you when we suffer ,and think of Jesus , the Son. You care for us, because I know that you are loving, kind , and good. You are wonderful, our teacher, our hope, and our lives depend on You. You give us breath, life and truth. Thank you Jesus, and the Father , for taking care of your children. Save us from the evil one. Amen

Come dress me Lord in comfort. Give me new shoes, so that my feet might tread steadily across this difficult life terrain. Give me new clothes, so that my vulnerability is covered, my soul protected at this turbulent time. Give me a new crown, perfect to my size, unique and real, one that reminds me of who I am in this season. Come shower me Lord with peace. Cleanse me with grace, may it fall softly upon each moment, bringing restoration in these harsh days. Come shower me Lord with peace. Refresh me with hope, may clean dew pour into every shadow of despair that I endure. Come shower me Lord with peace. Refill me with faith, may it overflow in my soul and rise high in my heart. Lord, thank you that you are my comfort and my peace. Amen.

Dearest Lord, at this time, my mind is not at peace and my heart is troubled. Inside of me, it feels like a raging storm with no signs of stopping any time soon. My concerns are getting too great for me to handle. The things I have to deal with are taking a huge toll on my mind and heart. There are even times that I cannot sleep soundly at night. My fears and what ifs keep bombarding my mind, stealing the peace and gladness I once had.

More than ever, God, I need You in this time of turmoil. I admit that often, I do not know what to do anymore. I am so close to giving up. I'm losing motivation to wake up in the morning. I'm losing my drive to continue the work that I'm supposed to do. Sometimes, I even feel as if life is no longer worth living. These are the thoughts clouding my mind these days, Lord, and I admit that they are not good.

For that reason, God, I'm asking that You would grant me that peace that surpasses understanding. I need that kind of peace that rules over my mind despite all the troubles I have. That can only come from You, Lord. Hold me in Your arms and comfort me. I cannot go through all of this on my own, but I know that with You, nothing is impossible. Always remind me that You are always there beside me, God, wherever I am and whatever comes my way.

Through it all, God, remind me to stay away from worry. Instead, help me to always look to You for comfort and peace, and to trust You whatever circumstances I have in life. You are sovereign, and You know what's best for me. I trust that You still have a great purpose for me; help me to fulfill it, Lord, despite any challenges. In Your Name, I pray, Amen.

May today there be peace within.

May you trust your highest power that you are exactly where you are meant to be.

May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith.

May you use those gifts that you have received, and pass on the love that has been given to you.

May you be content knowing you are a child of God.

Let this presence settle into your bones, and allow your soul the freedom to sing, dance.

It is there for each and every one of you.


Heavenly Father, release Your peace into my life. Let it infiltrate into my heart, into my soul and into my mind. Father, the noise that surrounds me is unbearable at times. It exhausts me to the point where I feel uneasy and spiritually drained. Rescue me from the darkness of this world that attempts to drown You out.

Pierce through the walls of deception and speak to me, Lord. I yearn to hear Your roar! Fill me with all joy and peace that by your Holy Spirit I may abound and grow in hope and love.

Dear Lord, God, Above all Gods, You are our Father, and I know that you watch over your creation. This is your world. Earth is your footstool. We on earth are people you created. Lord, when we feel depressed and confused over all that is happening around us, help us to remember that You are there . You comfort us and fill us with your peace. Let us know that you are there in the storms , and the storms of our lives. Calm our fear, and give us peace. When we are hurting, and sick, and we don't know what to do, please be with us, and give us patience to endure the pain that we are dealing with. Let us remember that Jesus suffered on the cross for us, and our suffering is only a portion of what He suffered. Let us remember to think of you when we suffer ,and think of Jesus , the Son. You care for us, because I know that you are loving, kind , and good. You are wonderful, our teacher, our hope, and our lives depend on You. You give us breath, life and truth. Thank you Jesus, and the Father , for taking care of your children. Save us from the evil one. Amen

Come dress me Lord in comfort. Give me new shoes, so that my feet might tread steadily across this difficult life terrain. Give me new clothes, so that my vulnerability is covered, my soul protected at this turbulent time. Give me a new crown, perfect to my size, unique and real, one that reminds me of who I am in this season. Come shower me Lord with peace. Cleanse me with grace, may it fall softly upon each moment, bringing restoration in these harsh days. Come shower me Lord with peace. Refresh me with hope, may clean dew pour into every shadow of despair that I endure. Come shower me Lord with peace. Refill me with faith, may it overflow in my soul and rise high in my heart. Lord, thank you that you are my comfort and my peace. Amen.