Prayer For Doctors

Lord in heaven, I humble myself before you praying for our doctors. They are your vessels. They deliver your healing to us according to your will. Give them the necessary skills needed in their day to day work. Make their minds learn fast so that they can improve their knowledge and expertise. Boost their memory to remember every little detail needed to save lives. Let their hands be fast to resuscitate patients in emergency cases. Make them be the servants you've called them to be. Amen.

Mighty God, I kneel in front of you with requests concerning all doctors. You are the great physician and they are your servants. Give them obedience to follow your guide in their line of duty. Let them treat all patients with the same zeal and effort without being biased. Give them compassion in their work and let them have empathy for their patients. Let their hearts be pure in serving you through their patients. Amen.

God Almighty, I pray for all doctors to always look up to for wisdom when handling those under their care. Let them rely on you but not on their understanding all through their career. You called them to be our earthly physicians, be their guide. When their strength runs slow, renew it. When their faith is shaken, renew it. Let them draw their confidence in your healing power. Amen.

Lord Almighty, We thank you for your healing through our doctors. Thank you for their obedience to you. Thank you because their work is purely directed by you. I pray that you protect them and their families. Guide their lives outside the hospitals. Let them know you and desire to serve you with their hearts. Touch their fellow staff in hospitals like the nurses, Laboratory personnel, security guards, and other department members to support them. Let their hearts be open to helping people without expecting anything in return. Amen.

Mighty Healer, I bring our doctors before you. They are our earthly healers. Thank you for the good work they do and the sacrifices they make for the sake of the patients. Bless the work of their hands. You are the ultimate healer and through them, we receive our physical healing. Guide them in making the correct diagnosis and in the treatment of their patients. Let their successful treatments and patient satisfaction bring glory to you. Amen.

Oh Holy, Mighty, Majesty, my Father, You Who are the Great Physician. If it is Your will, please intervene speedily to help my friend/family member be healed or speed their recovery. The chief goal of my pray is not for my will but to magnify and glorify Your Great Son's Name, Jesus Christ, because it is through this Great Name that I am praying through. You are sovereign over all sickness, illness, and disease. These are nothing to You and so if it be Your express will Father, please help them supernaturally to the glory of Your Son's Name. Please guide the doctor's hands, bless the nurses work, and give them steady and skilled hands to do what needs to be done and for the glory of and in the Name of Jesus Christ I pray, amen.

Almighty God, thank you for the medicine which brings sleep. May my fellow patients and I have rest of
body. As you ever deal kindly with your servants, fill this hospital with a sense of your vivid presence
that the wondrous fragrance of your love may never leave us. We ask this blessing through Christ our
Lord. Amen.

Today, O Lord, I begin a new day in the hospital and I'm just a little afraid and nervous about it. Help
me to realize that this hospital has been built to help me in this time of need. May I also realize that the
doctors and nurses desire to help me get well. May I find in this strange world of sickness much love
and perhaps many new insights. But above all, may I hear your footsteps along the hospital corridors
and feel your presence by my bed day and night, through all those you send to me So I am without fear
and at peace Thank you Lord. Amen.