Prayer For Hedge Of Protection For Husband

Dear Father,

Thank you for the blessings youve bestowed on me.
You are the protector and the light. In this time of need, my child has been involved
with peers who donot share the Christian values that we hold so dear.
In your name I pray for a hedge around my child to protect her from these evil forces that are at work.
May you bless her and this household and keep us safe in this time of need.

Hedge of ProtectionHeavenly Father, I (we) ask You to place a hedge of protection around me (us). It hides me (us) from the enemy, familiar spirits, any and all demon spirits, making it difficult, if not impossible for them to effectively track or trace me in the realm of the spirit. There shall be no perforations or penetrations to these hedges of protection according to your word in Psalm 91. I(we) know that You will answer this prayer because I (we) love You and I(we) trust in Your name only. I pray that Your blood Lord Jesus will cover me(us) and all that You have given me(us). That the enemy will not have access to what has been given to me(us).Thank you for your divine protection in Jesus Name, Amen.

Trusting in the promise that whatever we ask the Father in Jesus' name He will do, I now approach You Father with confidence in Our Lord's words and in Your infinite power and love for me and for my [husband/wife, person's name] and with the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God, the Blessed Apostles Peter and Paul, Blessed Archangel Michael, the guardian angels of myself and [person's name] , with all the saints and angels of heaven, and Holy in the power of His blessed Name, as ask you Father to send forth Your Spirit to convict [person's name] and to allow him/her to see any and all wrongs that he has done and how they offend Your infinite goodness.

Father I ask in sorrow, knowing that You do not intrude upon free will, but that You can give Divine Influence like you did with Hosea's wife, that You send a hedge of thorns and wall around [person's name] so that he/she cannot find the paths that lead him/her away from me and our marriage, and though he/she shall pursue his/her [i.e. lovers, lifestyle, sinful ways, etc.] , he/she will not [i.e. overtake them, practice improper lifestyles, engage in sin, etc.] ; though he/she shall seek [i.e. lovers, improper lifestyle, sin, etc.] , he/she shall not find [i.e. them, desired lifestyle, the sin that draws him, etc.] ; that no matter what path or what [i.e. lover, lifestyle, sin, etc.] he/she seeks he/she shall not find satisfaction or happiness until he/she returns to me, his/her wife/husband where he/she may then be taught by Your Holy Spirit the true meaning of marriage and sexuality and to be a good and loving wife/husband, and to know the ways of righteousness and true womanhood/manhood.

Father, I am powerless against these spiritual forces and recognize my utter dependence on You and Your power. Look with mercy upon me and upon my wife/husband. Do not look upon our sins, O Lord; rather, look at the sufferings of your Beloved Son and see the Victim who's bitter passion and death has reconciled us to You. By the victory of the cross, protect us from all evil and rebuke any evil spirits who are attacking or influencing us in any way. Send them back to Hell and place a wall of protection around this marriage. Send your Holy Angels to watch over us and protect us.

Father, all of these things I ask in the most holy name of Jesus Christ, Your Son. Thank you, Father, for hearing my prayer. I love You, I worship You, I thank You and I trust in You. Amen.

Dear Father,

Thank you for the blessings youve bestowed on me.
You are the protector and the light. In this time of need, my child has been involved
with peers who donot share the Christian values that we hold so dear.
In your name I pray for a hedge around my child to protect her from these evil forces that are at work.
May you bless her and this household and keep us safe in this time of need.

Father God, I present to you this day ___________ and ask that you put the hedge of thorns, according to Hosea 2:6, around them to keep them from falling into sin. Cause them to not find the way of unfaithfulness. Cause these ungodly desires to not be fulfilled. May they return to a covenant relationship first and foremost with you, God, and secondly to the covenant relationship that You have ordained from the foundations of the earth. I pray for grace, patience and peace to guard my heart as I wait on You Lord to bring this prayer to fulfillment. I pray that You would send away all these ungodly desires. May _______ lose the desire to go that way, reveal to her/him that this way is destruction and against your will. Give him/her dreams and visions to see that the end is of no good. I pray that You will season my speech with grace so that I will know what to say and when to say it. I pray that you will cleanse my heart and root out any seed of bitterness. Give me grace to forgive. Put a guard over my mouth and show me how I can accommodate the reconciliation and restoration of this covenant relationship. If I have any responsibility in driving ______ away from you God and from this covenant relationship, please reveal it to me. Forgive me God and prepare me for their return. Guide them and me with your Holy Spirit, in Jesus Name, Amen.

Father, I thank You for the promises You give throughout the Bible to keep Your children safe. To give us a refuge, to be our strength and strengthener. Thank You that You will never leave us nor forsake us and to be gracious to us all the days of our lives.

Father, protect my husband in all the ways he walks; watch over his coming and going (Ps.121:8) guiding him away from any harmful situations. Protect him from traveling accidents, work accidents, sicknesses, debilitating diseases of the body or mind. Protect him from violence and the people who do it. I stand in the gap on behalf of my husband, (Ez.22:30-31) asking that You place your mighty hand of protection around him in every way he goes.

Lord, I know that Your arm is not too short that You cannot save, (Is.58:1) so preserve the life of my husband so that he might grow old to watch his children's children grow. I entrust him to You, fully convinced that You are able to protect him this day and every day of his life. (2Tim.1:12)

Father, when his heart is burdened and his spirit weary, the world seems dark all around, remind him that You are his shield, his deliverer, his rock. Remind him that You are his firm foundation, cornerstone and stronghold. (2Sam.22:1-4) Protect him from any attacks the enemy plans to make on his mind, diverting the fiery darts that get sent his way. You will not fail him, for You will not reject your people; You will never forsake Your inheritance. (Ps. 94:14) In Jesus' precious name. Amen.


I ask you to build a hedge of thorns around _____. I pray that through this hedge any ungodly and/or wrong influences would lose interest and depart. Please also bind Satan from attacking _____'s mind, will and emotions. Protect _____'s mind, and help _____ to take every wrong thought captive make it obedient to Christ. Keep _____ from falling into sin. Help _____ to pursue and seek you with all of his/her heart instead of any seeking after any wrong influences. Protect _____ from any unsafe thing or person that would pursue him/her or that he/she would pursue. Block _____ from anything that might harm him/her. I ask these things in the name of Jesus, Amen.

Lord Jesus, today I lift my husband up to you. I pray blessing, anointing, and power over him, in Jesus' mighty name. Lord I ask that you would place a hedge of protection around him. Guide him in all of his ways, speak to him and through him. Help him in his work and as the leader of our home. Lord please give him wisdom he can only receive from you. Help him to recognize it and receive it. I speak favor over him with You and with people. I pray divine inspiration and success over him.

Lord draw him closer and closer to you. Give him a hunger for Your Word and a thirst for prayer. I pray that he would daily seek your face, hear your voice, and work out his own salvation in fear and trembling.

I pray healing over his body and his soul. I break every word curse spoken out against him, in Jesus' name! May all idle words and curses fall to the ground and their seeds will not bear fruit. I plead the blood of Jesus over my husband, the work of his hands, the perfect will of God for his life, our marriage, and our family. Give him the grace to put you first and obey in all things. Lord, only you know his greatest temptations and the secret petitions of his heartplease meet him at his place of greatest need and lead him in the way everlasting.

I pray that you would draw other men to him that he can relate to and receive fromwho love You above anything else in their lives. Allow them to be knitted together as David was to Jonathan. Bring him righteous men of God to study your Word with, pray with, and hold one another accountable.

I ask, Lord, for your grace over my husband to parent our children. Reveal to him Your Father's heart and show him what our children need from him. Give him the strength and wisdom to represent you well before our children and groom them for a passionate relationship with You and great success in their callings.

Lord, help me to be a respectful and honoring wife to my husband. Reveal to me the special ways that I alone can minister to him. Show me anywhere that I may offend him and not realize it. Give me the grace to help him and love him exactly as you would have me do so. Expose and heal anything in me that is displeasing to you and hindering to my marriage. I humble myself before you and lay myself down mind, will, and emotions so I can become more of you, in Jesus' name.

Satan I command you to retreat from my husband in Jesus' name. He belongs to the Most High God along with the rest of our household and you hold no claim over us. I take authority over you right now and render you harmless in our lives.

Host of Heaven, I command you to forth now and pull down any strongholds that are hindering my husband or our family. Bring in from the North, South, East, and West everything he needs to fulfill the will of God and provide for our family. Protect him in all of his ways, expose and destroy the plots and plans of the enemy, and make his crooked places straight, in Jesus name.

Father God I thank you for my husband, my covenant partner. Thank you for the holy work that marriage can do in us. Thank you for the blessing of such an intimate earthly relationship. Thank you for the authority you give us to pray for one another. I commit my husband, marriage, family, and self to you, in Jesus' name. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Amen.