Prayer For Illumination Lent

God, in you are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. Open our hearts to receive the truth of your Word. Help us understand and freely choose the way of your wisdom; in Christ's way we pray. Amen.

God of love, plant us in the soil of your grace. Nurture us in the Truth of your Word, the vine of everlasting life. Enlighten us with the wisdom of your Spirit, which flows through us today and all days. Abiding in Christ we pray. AMEN

God of all, open our hearts and minds to find your Truth in all places. Teach us your unforced rhythms of grace that our lives might reflect your Wisdom. With Christ as our guide we live and pray. AMEN

God of Life, help us know you're present with us always, with mercies fresh each day. Journey with us and help us grow in faith so our lives will better reflect the love of Christ, in whom we live and pray. AMEN

Gracious Guide, lead us now through your Word and our worship. Grow in us a faith we can live each day. Following the way of Christ, our holy trainer in faith, we live and pray. AMEN

God who is with us, guide us by your Word. Help us to again receive you in the flesh. May the Promised One lead us in wisdom and truth and may we be sustained by Christ who is the Bread of Life. AMEN

God of all Wisdom and Glory,
grace us today with the presence of your Spirit
that we might hear today's word
with understanding and imagination.
This we pray in your holy and good name. Amen.

God, I turn into ashes
all my preconceptions about this scripture,
all my safe, familiar interpretations.
Burn me with its newness.
Let it rise like the phoenix
with bright wide winged words. Amen.