Feast of Saint Mary Magdalene Prayer

For July 22 or Any Occasion

Mary Magdalene frequently traveled with Jesus during His ministry, and she is considered the second most important woman in the New Testament, after the Blessed Virgin Mary. In addition to being a companion of Jesus, she was the first witness to the resurrection. Jesus healed her of "seven demons," and she has often been identified as a repentant prostitute, although this is not spelled out in Scripture, and most modern biblical scholars believe it is unlikely. She is celebrated on July 22. The holiday was previously an obligatory memorial, but Pope Francis upgraded it to a feast on June 3, 2016. The image below is a portrayal of Saint Mary Magdalene the Penitent, by Italian painter Guido Reni.

Mary Magdalene by Guido Reni

Prayer for the Feast of Saint Mary Magdalene

Almighty God,

Whose blessed Son restored Mary Magdalene to health of body and of mind, and called her to be a witness of his resurrection:

Mercifully grant that by your grace we may be healed from all our infirmities and know you in the power of his unending life;

Who with you and the Holy Spirit lives and reigns, one God, now and for ever.


The Book of Common Prayer / Book of Divine Worship


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Last updated 07-22-2016