Prayer For My Husband Health

God, You have provided Your Word and I am so grateful. May Your Word guide my husband as the leader of our home. May his leadership skills be empowered by your wisdom. I trust that You will lead in his hand and heart in our relationship, his work, our home, community and church.

Lord, money yields the greatest potential to cause problems in a home. Please give my husband wisdom as he seeks to honor You with finances. I praise You for the blessings You've provided and I pray that You would help him, help us, to always honor You first.

Father, in a day when the world speaks with complete corruption, keep my husband's words pure before You. I pray that he would use his words just as You would have him to. I praise You for his personality and pray for purposeful conversations in our marriage.

Lord, I pray that You would provide encouraging friendships for my husband. That he would know he is never alone because You are with him, but I ask for others to speak into his life and sharpen him as he sharpens them.

God, I thank You that You are the good, good Father. Would you help my husband's parenting to reflect You? May his children know Your heavenly love personally and experience it through their earthly father.

Heavenly Father, I sincerely thank You from the bottom of my heart for your continued blessings on our marriage and for my husband. Lord Jesus, grant that I and my husband may have a true understanding, a gentle compassion ,trust, love and care for each other, and help us to be an example for our children .

Remove all temptation from us and bless him to be captivated by my love till death and make of our relationship successful and holy adventure which bring us together in heart and mind as well as body.

Bless my marriage to be a breeding place for your presence and love and please hear our prayers for each other. Bless his thoughts, words and actions and help him to grow spiritually. I pray Lord Jesus , for my husband as provider and protector in this marriage and for my husband s safety from all harm and give him a Perfect Health.

I pray Lord our Father for my husband s financial planning decisions. Bless him to receive showers of blessings from you as he makes Godly decisions that will affect us both and make his decisions to be wise and Godly.

Bless my husband to find me attractive inside as well as outside as we keep our marriage alive, through Jesus Christ who brought us together. I sincerely surrender my self, my husband and our marriage, our family our conflicts, our fears and troubles to you, to your love, care and guidance. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

Dear God, Pls bless my husband with good health n keep safe in your arms. heal his body and grant him peace. Lord, help him to not stress and worry about things that he can't control. free him from anxiety & worries.Lord give him peace of mind. mother Mary pray for us. in jesus name, Amen.

Father, You are Healer. You know our bodies better than we do. You know our spirit best because it is from You. I pray that my husband's body will be kept in perfect harmony, working together and functioning the way You designed it to.

Father, further on that note, we know we are to take care of our bodies, for they are the temple of the Holy Spirit. (1Cor.3:16-17) I pray You would convict him to make healthy eating choices, not consuming anything that would harm or inhibit him from doing the work You have called him to do. Help him understand that he was bought with a price and he should honor You with his body. (1Cor.6:19-20) I pray he would not fall to the temptation of food addictions or any other harmful addictions that are not honoring to You, but in view of Your great mercy, offer his body as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to You. (Romans12:1)Father, I pray also for his spiritual health. Urge him to obedience regarding being in Your word, learning more of You and growing closer to You, becoming more like Jesus. Do not let him forget Your teaching, but convict him to store your commands in his heart, for they will prolong his life and bring him prosperity. (Pr.3:1-2) Let him not be wise as the world considers wise. I pray he will seek first to fear You and shun evil for that will bring health to his body and nourishment to his bones. (Pr.3:7-8) Give him wisdom and the knowledge to understand that his first duty on this earth is to obey You and glorify You. (Ecc.12:13) Keep him in perfect health so he may carry out Your will for his life.

I pray that he may enjoy good health and that all may go well with him all the days of his life as his soul also continues growing well. (3John1:2) At the end of his long, obedient and good life, I pray he will be able to cross over into Your great presence gently, easily, peacefully and joyfully. In Jesus' name. Amen.